Bible Verse of the Day
Personal but not Private!
Thursday, June 25, 2009

You can't keep your true self hidden forever; before long you'll be exposed. You can't hide behind a religious mask forever; sooner or later the mask will slip and your true face will be known. You can't whisper one thing in private and preach the opposite in public; the day's coming when those whispers will be repeated all over town.
Luke 12: 2 (TM)
Monica Lewinsky! Does that name ring a bell? Of course, you guessed right. She was former President Bill Clinton’s secret lover that almost cost him his presidential seat. But that’s all history.
Opening my e-mail this morning I saw a report on Yahoo! News about the current serving South Carolina Governor in US confessing about his 8-year-long unfaithfulness to his wife by seeing a lady in far away Argentina.
This governor is the head of the Republican Governors Association and has been mentioned in recent months as a possible presidential candidate in 2012. But ironically, this man as a congressman had voted in favor of three of four articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, citing the need for "moral legitimacy."
This governor is the head of the Republican Governors Association and has been mentioned in recent months as a possible presidential candidate in 2012. But ironically, this man as a congressman had voted in favor of three of four articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, citing the need for "moral legitimacy."
As if this was not enough, this Governor had always left the country without formally delegating his authority and by leaving the country without formally transferring power, critics said he neglected his gubernatorial authority and put the state at risk because It wasn't clear how his staff could reach him in an emergency. How ridiculous to know that Governor Sanford has four boys for his wife, Jenny Sanford who is literally his financier having come from an influential family herself! She has reportedly thrown him out two weeks ago.
My heart sighs as I write this because I had a totally different thing to talk about before now. But the recurring nature of this high profile unfaithfulness to spouse and family calls for caution among us as moral beings.
What is good is good and what is bad is bad!
It does not matter how much we hide, our secret sins we find us out. To involve ourselves in secret unfaithfulness and publicly pretend as if nothing has happened is the height of promiscuity. Jesus says in the above scripture that the day is coming when those secret whispers will be repeated all over town.
Do you know the word ‘integrity’ is from the word to integrate? Integrity literarily means making private same as public.
Do you know the word ‘integrity’ is from the word to integrate? Integrity literarily means making private same as public.
Is your private life same as public life? Am I just a preacher and not a doer? Is there a part of me that is others must not know about? These are the rhetorical questions that you and I should provide answers to and make amends where necessary because sin actually sinks us.
Only a few months ago we heard about a purported claim by UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, that she mistakenly bought two pornographic films while paying for internet connection online. These ‘mistakenly’ purchased adult films, which shamefully cost £5 each, were reportedly viewed on 6 and 8 April 2008, although she claimed not to be at home then. She was made a Member of the Privy Council in 2003. Smith is also the third woman to hold one of the Great Offices of State — after Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister) and Margaret Beckett (Foreign Secretary).
Whether true or false, only God knows. But the point is that whether high or low, poor or rich, old or young. God doesn’t bend his rules. It applies to all.
Do you know it was the supposed private sins of Adam that still plagues the human race till date?
Whether true or false, only God knows. But the point is that whether high or low, poor or rich, old or young. God doesn’t bend his rules. It applies to all.
Do you know it was the supposed private sins of Adam that still plagues the human race till date?
Your sins may be personal but it is not private.
That is why the scripture says;
But the firm foundation laid by God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names [himself by] the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it. 2 Timothy 2: 19
But the firm foundation laid by God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names [himself by] the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it. 2 Timothy 2: 19
There is no little sin, sin is sin!
What to do;
- Never hide your sin.
He that covers his sins shall not prosper but God is always faithful to forgive us when we sincerely confess them. Proverbs 28:13.. Admit it and confess it to the Lord. How foolish! Covering our sins is like hiding behind a single finger.
- Never hide your sin.
He that covers his sins shall not prosper but God is always faithful to forgive us when we sincerely confess them. Proverbs 28:13.. Admit it and confess it to the Lord. How foolish! Covering our sins is like hiding behind a single finger.
-Never go back to your vomit.
Sin is generally pleasurable but its sweetness is only going to be for a while because the shame it brings outweighs its pleasures. Moses chose to share the oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin for a moment. Hebrews 11: 25
Sin is generally pleasurable but its sweetness is only going to be for a while because the shame it brings outweighs its pleasures. Moses chose to share the oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin for a moment. Hebrews 11: 25
- Be more sensitive.
Most sins come as a mere thought first. But when these thoughts are entertained they find a place and if not quickly discarded, action follows. We are told in Proverbs 4: 23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do” Watch and pray!
Most sins come as a mere thought first. But when these thoughts are entertained they find a place and if not quickly discarded, action follows. We are told in Proverbs 4: 23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do” Watch and pray!
Shall we pray;
Lord, help us to finish strong.
Lord, help us to finish strong.
Hardwork or Hardlife?!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Go to work in the morning and stick to it until evening without watching the clock. You never know from moment to moment how your work will turn out in the end
Ecclesiastes 11:6 (TM)
I am privileged to have all kinds of fathers, from professional, spiritual to of course, biological. I spent the last Fathers’ Day celebration to call and send gifts to all of them and they all poured out blessings on me. But when I called one of my professional fathers who is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and was recently promoted to the post of a Permanent Secretary, after praying for me, he said Emma, work hard o!
Of course, this fatherly counsel is not new but it hit me this time like thunder strike that I had to pause a bit but when I recovered from the strike in a few seconds, I whispered “I will try more sir.”
When I hung up, I pondered on what he told me particularly because he has risen through the ranks to the peak of his career.When does hard work becomes hard enough? Am I not hard working enough? What new grounds can I break? The question kept coming which eventually led to what the very words of Christ says in John 5: 17.. "My Father has never stopped working, and that is why I keep on working."
God does not like idleness! In fact, God showed us how important it is to Him from the very beginning such that he gave Adam a work to do before He gave him a wife.
It is an error for a man to get married without a work.
Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we should become workaholics but we should work up to the point that work knows we are working it. Many give up too soon. There is no place for the lazy in the world.
As a matter of truth, the lazy person weighs equally as a great waster. Why? Because a lazy man will never fully develop the latent potentials that God has bestowed upon him thereby wasting it. Proverbs 18: 9 puts it this way, “A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things”
Your guaranteed way out of Hardlife is Hardwork.
I try to read a chapter of the book of proverbs per day because it has 31 chapters which goes for the numbers of days in a typical month. Proverb shares so much about the end of the lazy.
Friends, I know you are putting in all your effort. But the truth is that we can do even more. Someone once said the difference between extra-ordinary and ordinary is just the prefix, extra. To be outstanding, we need to do more. So challenge yourself to diligence in adding value to the life of others (this is the greatest of work). As a matter of fact, any work you claim to do that does not make a direct effect on advancing the life of others is not worth doing.But we should also remember to ask for God’s favour on our labour to produce.
Things to note about work
- It is not a curse. Man had work before his fall in Eden
- It is one of the major channels through which God blesses us. (Psalms 1: 3…and whatever he DOES shall prosper)
- It is one of the ways by which our value on earth is measured. We mostly introduce ourselves to others by what we do.
Check out what Proverbs 6: 6- 11(TM)
You lazy fool, look at an ant.
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two.
Nobody has to tell it what to do.
All summer it stores up food; at harvest it stockpiles provisions.
So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing?
How long before you get out of bed?
A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy
—do you know what comes next?Just this:
You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, poverty your permanent houseguest!
Even if you've not gotten what you love to do, do what you have now and then what you love will come. By all means avoid idleness.
Whatever your hands find to do....... do it with all your might.
Shall we pray;
Lord, cause your favor to rest on our labour to bring forth fruitful flavors. Amen
Spot the Difference!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Not that we [have the audacity to] venture to class or [even to] compare ourselves with some who exalt and furnish testimonials for themselves! However, when they measure themselves with themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely.
2 Corinthians 10:12 (AMP)
Growing up, I remember always trying to search for the SPOT THE DIFFERENCE column on the pages of magazines and some newspapers where the identical pictures of two sketches or pieces of art are given and readers would be asked to spot the difference by circling the areas and returning by post the answers. I must have spotted many differences but can’t really remember ever sending any by post (since there was no email at that time). May be I would have tried if it were to be by email…
What I intend sharing briefly with you is the foolish “spot the difference” adventures that we at times engage in as individuals which does no good to us than to leave us worse than it met us, leading to jealousy, envy, strife and if not well tamed makes us blame God for everything because it blind-folds us from seeing anything good that God has done in our lives.
When was the last time you wished you were born into a more influential family? Well, we all were not given the opportunity to choose that. If God did, I wonder who will come from impoverished homes!
Whatever form of comparison you may be involved in will be mere folly because there should be no reason why you should want to compare yourself with others. An understanding of you being a creature made in the image and the likeness of God- the creator is enough to make you stand tall in life.
But as crippling and subtle this venture is, we allow it to lord it over our lives and secretly envy others and questioning God and asking the most horrible question of WHY ME?
But as crippling and subtle this venture is, we allow it to lord it over our lives and secretly envy others and questioning God and asking the most horrible question of WHY ME?
Reasons for Comparison
Inferiority Complex
Inferiority Complex
It is an overdeveloped sense of being inferior to other people. In extreme cases it can manifest itself in either withdrawn or aggressive social behavior. Many compare themselves with others just because they feel others are more human than themselves. Come to think of it, no human has two heads. Only monsters do. No man can sleep in two rooms at a time, no matter the mansion.
There is no less human, we are all humans.
So friend, never feel inferior to anyone. See what went into your creation and how important you are to God; King David says
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb.
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out,
You know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Psalms 139:13 -15 (TM)
Lack of Defined Purpose for Living
Lack of Defined Purpose for Living
When purpose is undefined abuse is inevitable. This is another reason why many want to be like another person. It is because they lack the purpose for living or have not well defined their very reason for existence. Those who are so engrossed in fulfilling their God-given purpose have no time for comparison.
If you live like a photocopy, who will live your original?
To save yourself from this comparison syndrome, get busy fulfilling your God purpose and you won’t even notice others who are busy living their dreams. Like the saying that the idle mind is the devil workshop, many are busy analyzing others’ wealth that they are not thinking of their own very life. Have a defined goal for living and get busy pursuing it!
Failure to count your blessings
Yeah, if you fail to count your blessings, the devil will give you something else to count. There is the song I always loved to sing in primary school with all the excitement and vigor because I know we only sing the song when we are about to take lunch. The song in Songs Of Praise (SOP) says,
Some have food, but cannot eat,
Some can eat, but have no food,
We have food and we can eat,
Glory be to thee Oh Lord. (And afterwards, we’ll then say Aunty come and eat….lol)
Failure to count your blessings
Yeah, if you fail to count your blessings, the devil will give you something else to count. There is the song I always loved to sing in primary school with all the excitement and vigor because I know we only sing the song when we are about to take lunch. The song in Songs Of Praise (SOP) says,
Some have food, but cannot eat,
Some can eat, but have no food,
We have food and we can eat,
Glory be to thee Oh Lord. (And afterwards, we’ll then say Aunty come and eat….lol)
This is a soothing reminder for me. We still need to appreciate God no matter what we are faced with because it could have been worse.
If you have lost ANYTHING, God is the reason why you’ve not lost EVERYTHING!
That is why blaming God for our present state is the most unwise thing to do. If you think you have no shoes, how about those who don’t have legs?
Wait a minute, if God forsakes you, who will you run to? But thanks be to God that He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Everything you are going through are actually fitting to plan and it’s all for your own good. If God never sleeps nor slumber, then He must be busy working things out for my good. Don’t you thing so?
When next you see someone who seems to already have what you desire, rejoice with them and quickly assure yourself that, Mine is on the way.
Wait a minute, if God forsakes you, who will you run to? But thanks be to God that He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Everything you are going through are actually fitting to plan and it’s all for your own good. If God never sleeps nor slumber, then He must be busy working things out for my good. Don’t you thing so?
When next you see someone who seems to already have what you desire, rejoice with them and quickly assure yourself that, Mine is on the way.
Count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!
Shall we pray
Lord, open our eyes to spot the difference between where are coming from and where we are now and the assurance of where you are taking us to, rather than engage in the folly of comparison with others. Amen
Lord, open our eyes to spot the difference between where are coming from and where we are now and the assurance of where you are taking us to, rather than engage in the folly of comparison with others. Amen
Posted by
4:47 PM
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, Life, Priorities, Thansgiving
The enemy called ALTERNATIVES!
Friday, June 12, 2009
After this a lot of his disciples left. They no longer wanted to be associated with him. Then Jesus gave the Twelve their chance: "Do you also want to leave?"
Peter replied, "Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We've already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God."
John 6: 66- 69 (The Message)
I am particularly excited to be at this phase of my life and I must tell you I’m enjoying everything God is revealing to me every waking moment. Got up this morning with a thought on the word “ALTERNATIVES”. As soon as I started searching my mind for what this would mean, I soon realized that God wanted me to tell someone that “He (God) will still do what He has promised only if we bury our fall backs”. Fall backs here means things we think of falling back on if His promises does not go through as we expect.
Peter replied, "Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We've already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God."
John 6: 66- 69 (The Message)
I am particularly excited to be at this phase of my life and I must tell you I’m enjoying everything God is revealing to me every waking moment. Got up this morning with a thought on the word “ALTERNATIVES”. As soon as I started searching my mind for what this would mean, I soon realized that God wanted me to tell someone that “He (God) will still do what He has promised only if we bury our fall backs”. Fall backs here means things we think of falling back on if His promises does not go through as we expect.
Haa! This word hit me quickly and I realized just as I’m typing this that God was trying to pass across a message to me on a particular issue of my life.
Hmm, An alternative is something different from, and able to serve as a substitute for, something else. It also simply means to be between two opinions. To be here, but still be there with the other eye, JUST IN CASE. To be double-minded. Elijah got fed up with the nonchalant attitude of the people of Israel that he cried in 1 Kings 18:21, And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long will you between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
Friend, I put this question to your face, how long will continue to eye your alternative(s) and at the same time still be praying to God for that breakthrough?
· I mean how long will you continue to threaten God with your backsliding attempt if He does not answer your prayers by the deadline you’ve given Him?
· I mean how long will you keep your eye on breaking your commitment to your spouse because you’ve waited so long for the fruit of the womb and both of you are aging?
· How long will you jobseeker think of doing it the world’s way by reducing your age and getting involved in some other things just to boost your qualification for that job?
· How long have you chosen to enjoy life and live promiscuously at the detriment of losing your own soul and eternity?
· How long will you my professional colleagues do it the crooked way of the world and think you’ll always get away with it?
· I mean how long will you keep your eye on breaking your commitment to your spouse because you’ve waited so long for the fruit of the womb and both of you are aging?
· How long will you jobseeker think of doing it the world’s way by reducing your age and getting involved in some other things just to boost your qualification for that job?
· How long have you chosen to enjoy life and live promiscuously at the detriment of losing your own soul and eternity?
· How long will you my professional colleagues do it the crooked way of the world and think you’ll always get away with it?
How long…….?
Peter answered Jesus when He gave them the blank cheque of leaving Him when many disciples left too. But in the scripture above, Peter said, “Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We've already committed ourselves…”
This scripture literally tore my head open this morning as I read this fascinating version of The Message Bible. We’ve already committed ourselves! We’ve already burnt the bridge! We’ve already counted the cost! We’re already made up….and no going back!
I remember that old salvation song, “I have decided to follow Jesus 3ce. No turning back, No turning back…..! Have you?
Until your commitment to Christ reaches the level where you’ll say if I perish, I perish (like Esther) or We rather burn than to bow to other gods (like the 3 Hebrew boys) or Woe is me if I preach not the goepel (like Paul). Then, your faith and trust in Him is still questionable.
Why you must bury your alternatives?
- It makes you unstable and to doubt God. James 1:8
- It makes the devil suggest evil to you because you are not made up when you still have alternatives.
- It makes it impossible to receive from God but you are not acting in faith.
- It “incapacitates” God from helping you.
- It makes you unstable and to doubt God. James 1:8
- It makes the devil suggest evil to you because you are not made up when you still have alternatives.
- It makes it impossible to receive from God but you are not acting in faith.
- It “incapacitates” God from helping you.
What to do;
- Confess boldly your commitment to God.
- Feed yourself with the truth of God’s word ONLY (What is written and the revealed truth on the Bible)
- Still give God the glory no matter what is happening. (What is happening is temporal, what is written is permanent.
- Confess boldly your commitment to God.
- Feed yourself with the truth of God’s word ONLY (What is written and the revealed truth on the Bible)
- Still give God the glory no matter what is happening. (What is happening is temporal, what is written is permanent.
Shall we pray:
Lord, I choose to bury all the alternatives (name them) stopping me from trusting you. Amen
Lord, I choose to bury all the alternatives (name them) stopping me from trusting you. Amen
Remember, He (God) will still do what He has promised only if we bury our fall backs.
Posted by
4:16 PM
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, Foundation, Pursuit
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
O Lord, why do you stand so far away?
Why do you hide when I need you the most?
Psalms 10:1 (NLT)
Why do you hide when I need you the most?
Psalms 10:1 (NLT)
I receive mails, text on my mobile, IMs and talk with all kinds of people everyday especially those to whom I have a special passion for- the Jobseekers. I share in their pains, stress, frustrations, down moments, desperation and the deplorable situations they go through from not being able to live their dreams to even not being able to meet their basic needs. It’s really hard for some, I must confess.
Some tell me they apply to all the available vacancies and have never been called up for once. At the other extreme, those who have been called up for aptitudes and interviews are yet to know their fate even when it seems as if they did well but their good performance have not culminated in the delivery of the much needed job.
Although, I may not be able to fully explain my passion and love for these job seekers but one of the most important things that can happen to me on a typical day is to spend time to encourage them, rekindle their dwindling hope in themselves and their dreams, point them to their Creator and His love for them and bless them spiritually and financially.
Although, I may not be able to fully explain my passion and love for these job seekers but one of the most important things that can happen to me on a typical day is to spend time to encourage them, rekindle their dwindling hope in themselves and their dreams, point them to their Creator and His love for them and bless them spiritually and financially.
The above scripture however, does not only paint the picture of a job seeker with many unfruitful attempts to secure a job but to anyone who has tried all known avenues to get something done. David was in a similar situation. It seemed as if God no longer answers prayers or better still, prayer is gradually becoming unfashionable as it looks like an exercise in futility.
Friend, God’s ears are not deaf, He is nearer to you than the very clothes you put on. But the reason why you need to go through all that you are experiencing is to fortify you and make you to be able to face any other thing that may come. This is the way James puts it;
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. James 1: 2- 4
To me, this means that what God is aiming at is for you to be strong in character and ready for even greater challenges that may come in the future. God means good for you so you must see it as an opportunity for joy. Something to laugh about! Just like a student that will never get promoted without writing an exam, you and I will need to sit and pass the faith test before we can move to the next level.
But why? The reason is simple. There are certain level of blessings or favor that will cause you to lose faith or backslide simply because it will be too much for you so God needs to work on your character before giving you what you can handle. For instance, if God gives some people their dream job, they’ll stop attending church services using the same job as an excuse. For others, the reason why they still pay their tithe now is because their tithe is in hundreds and reasonable (even others are not faithful in tithing the little they have). So when God blesses them with greater, tithing becomes a big challenge to them because their responsibilities will suddenly increase and simply say “God understands”.
To me, this means that what God is aiming at is for you to be strong in character and ready for even greater challenges that may come in the future. God means good for you so you must see it as an opportunity for joy. Something to laugh about! Just like a student that will never get promoted without writing an exam, you and I will need to sit and pass the faith test before we can move to the next level.
But why? The reason is simple. There are certain level of blessings or favor that will cause you to lose faith or backslide simply because it will be too much for you so God needs to work on your character before giving you what you can handle. For instance, if God gives some people their dream job, they’ll stop attending church services using the same job as an excuse. For others, the reason why they still pay their tithe now is because their tithe is in hundreds and reasonable (even others are not faithful in tithing the little they have). So when God blesses them with greater, tithing becomes a big challenge to them because their responsibilities will suddenly increase and simply say “God understands”.
So what do you do when God seems far?
Never pity yourself.
What many people do is to sit down to analyze their perils and start casting aspersions or blame their parents, spouse, the government, or even God. And burst into tears uncontrollably. This act of pity-partying and blame-game can lead to frustration or depression. But never do this. We are told to see the situations we’re faced with as an opportunity for joy. It is a sign that you have something precious inside of you that is being envied by the devil. Laugh it off!
Never pity yourself.
What many people do is to sit down to analyze their perils and start casting aspersions or blame their parents, spouse, the government, or even God. And burst into tears uncontrollably. This act of pity-partying and blame-game can lead to frustration or depression. But never do this. We are told to see the situations we’re faced with as an opportunity for joy. It is a sign that you have something precious inside of you that is being envied by the devil. Laugh it off!
Judge God faithful.
Whatever you’re faced with is coming to you because God knows you have what it takes to handle it. 1 Corinthians 10: 13 has changed my life forever. It reads; But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
So, you must always remember 3 things;
1. What you’re faced with is common.
2. Judge God faithful and
Keep standing.
A soldier standing at attention is not bothered whatever happens around him. The reason why I used the cover photo of standing soldier is because that is the position we ought to take because we are to see ourselves as in a battle front. Read this; Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. Ephesians 6:13-14(NLT).
To keep standing, you must put on the belt of truth which is Jesus (He says, I am the way, the TRUTH and life). Hence, Jesus the Word of God- the bible is the belt of truth. Guard yourself with it. Study it so well that you know what it says in all circumstances. Ask yourself, What would Jesus Do (WWJD)? If Jesus was in the same situation, would He screw up and burst into tears or speak straight to the storm or problem. Study the Word and put it to work.
Shall we pray:
Lord, give me the grace not to fall but to keep standing in spite of my circumstances in Jesus name. Amen.
Whatever you’re faced with is coming to you because God knows you have what it takes to handle it. 1 Corinthians 10: 13 has changed my life forever. It reads; But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
So, you must always remember 3 things;
1. What you’re faced with is common.
2. Judge God faithful and
Keep standing.
A soldier standing at attention is not bothered whatever happens around him. The reason why I used the cover photo of standing soldier is because that is the position we ought to take because we are to see ourselves as in a battle front. Read this; Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. Ephesians 6:13-14(NLT).
To keep standing, you must put on the belt of truth which is Jesus (He says, I am the way, the TRUTH and life). Hence, Jesus the Word of God- the bible is the belt of truth. Guard yourself with it. Study it so well that you know what it says in all circumstances. Ask yourself, What would Jesus Do (WWJD)? If Jesus was in the same situation, would He screw up and burst into tears or speak straight to the storm or problem. Study the Word and put it to work.
Shall we pray:
Lord, give me the grace not to fall but to keep standing in spite of my circumstances in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted by
11:33 AM
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, Prayers, Priorities, Purpose
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