Bible Verse of the Day
Dangerous Twins
Monday, October 5, 2009

Proverbs 6: 6 – 11 (TM)
I feel so pressed to share some of my thoughts with you especially because another year of our lives is moving gradually. Let me quickly say that this note is aimed at making you give up two deadly and destiny-crashing twins called ‘Sleep and Idleness’. While sleep in itself is a good thing, however, if it now impedes you from maximising your life it has become an enemy and it is dangerous.
With less than 90 days to go in 2009, have you given up and folded up your hands just waiting for the year to end because you think there’s nothing more to do this year or you’re just fed up of trying, the open secret is that the challenges you are facing are your size and if you couldn’t handle them, God would not have allowed then in the first instance. My friend, it’s your size, Wake up!
No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 (TM)
Wikipedia defines idleness not just as a state of doing nothing but that an idle person is one who spends his days doing nothing of relative importance and could be said to be "idly passing his days."
Let me put some questions to you;
Are you really living the kind of life that you desire? Are you on the path to fulfillment? Can you still afford to get it wrong at this phase of your life?
Are you really living the kind of life that you desire? Are you on the path to fulfillment? Can you still afford to get it wrong at this phase of your life?
Remember, when this year began you had dreams and hopes. You were very determined to give it all it would take you to prove a point to people around you and to yourself that you could do more with your life. You were full of passion and zest to pursue your dreams. But somewhere along the way because of the pressures from all sides and the time running out, you seem to be cowardly giving up to fate. Now, you sleep more, engage in things of less relative importance and you are simply idle- passing your days.
Hunger is not the worst feature of unemployment; idleness is. ~William E. Barrett
I know you have a job and you go to work very early and come back late at night but you know that what you do between the working hours are not really of relative importance to where you want to be. You are just engaged in activity without productivity or motion without promotion. I understand.
I know you’ve been unemployed for some time but has your state of unemployment made you resort to sleeping and idleness has an escape route? I may not know many things but I know a man who loves sleep will become very poor. Hard, but true!
I know you have the excuse of the failing state of things in the country but it is not enough reason to crew up because you only have just this one life to live and you cannot afford to waste it. Wake up!
National Sleep Foundation, a non-profit organisation claims that the average 7 hours sleep that average Americans get is not enough but some scientists have proved that the lesser the sleep, the longer one is likely to live. And it is no longer news that if you sleep 8 hours a day which represents one-third of 24hours a day, by the time you are 75 years, you must have slept for one-third of your life which equates 25years of sleep! Are you practising how to die?
Indolence is the sleep of the mind. - Luc de Clapier de Vauvanargues
The essence of this note is to give you a TAP from your slumber and to rid you from the claws of sleep and idleness. Jesus gave a parable of a man who sowed good seed in his field but while he slept, the enemy came and planted unwanted weeds in Matthew 13: 25 and we know that weeds share in the nutrients that the plants would have used in its growth. In principle, when we sleep spiritually we give room to unwanted vices to hinder our growth and progress in life. Please wake up!
The essence of this note is to give you a TAP from your slumber and to rid you from the claws of sleep and idleness. Jesus gave a parable of a man who sowed good seed in his field but while he slept, the enemy came and planted unwanted weeds in Matthew 13: 25 and we know that weeds share in the nutrients that the plants would have used in its growth. In principle, when we sleep spiritually we give room to unwanted vices to hinder our growth and progress in life. Please wake up!
TAP (Think-Act-Pray);
Wake up from your sleep,
Wake up from your sleep,
Climb out of your coffins;
Christ will show you the light!
Ephesians 5:14 (TM)
Give a thought to how you have fared so far in 2009 and be sure you are not asleep in any aspect of your life such as your career, relationship, finances or academics. For instance, you should know you are asleep in your finances if you are already neck-deep in debt or running a deficit budget that you did not really plan for at the beginning of this year. But there is always a way out! Think
Our thinking normally should culminate in us taking decisive and calculated steps on how we intend to move out of our present condition to a better one. For instance, the prodigal son in scriptures after coming to his senses, he took steps to move out of his dilemma. He went to his father and he was reinstated. Take action regarding your career- make enquiries and act. Take action regarding your relationship, know what you really want and stop engaging in fruitless relationship. Take action regarding your finances, watch your reckless spending and make sure you can really differentiate between NEEDS and WANTS.
The hardest work is to go idle. ~Yiddish Proverb
Ephesians 5:14 (TM)
Give a thought to how you have fared so far in 2009 and be sure you are not asleep in any aspect of your life such as your career, relationship, finances or academics. For instance, you should know you are asleep in your finances if you are already neck-deep in debt or running a deficit budget that you did not really plan for at the beginning of this year. But there is always a way out! Think
Our thinking normally should culminate in us taking decisive and calculated steps on how we intend to move out of our present condition to a better one. For instance, the prodigal son in scriptures after coming to his senses, he took steps to move out of his dilemma. He went to his father and he was reinstated. Take action regarding your career- make enquiries and act. Take action regarding your relationship, know what you really want and stop engaging in fruitless relationship. Take action regarding your finances, watch your reckless spending and make sure you can really differentiate between NEEDS and WANTS.
The hardest work is to go idle. ~Yiddish Proverb
I would normally pray before acting and it is important to commit your thoughts to God for direction at all times. One of the symptoms of spiritual dullness is lack of a solid prayer life. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, you will still need GOD. Why do we pray? We pray for spiritual empowerment, to receive divine helps and to secure mercy. And I have come to realise that prayer is much more than what we do, prayer is what we use. It is a spiritual weapon that is both defensive and offensive. But how can you pray to the God that you do not know personally, or a God that you keep hurting with your sins?
Make up your mind to get the best out of this very life that you have by confessing your sins to Jesus and accepting as your Lord and saviour. If you are ready for this new birth experience, please say this prayer: Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now I know I am born again! Amen.
I would normally pray before acting and it is important to commit your thoughts to God for direction at all times. One of the symptoms of spiritual dullness is lack of a solid prayer life. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, you will still need GOD. Why do we pray? We pray for spiritual empowerment, to receive divine helps and to secure mercy. And I have come to realise that prayer is much more than what we do, prayer is what we use. It is a spiritual weapon that is both defensive and offensive. But how can you pray to the God that you do not know personally, or a God that you keep hurting with your sins?
Make up your mind to get the best out of this very life that you have by confessing your sins to Jesus and accepting as your Lord and saviour. If you are ready for this new birth experience, please say this prayer: Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now I know I am born again! Amen.
Benjamin Franklin has said, “ Idleness is the Dead Sea that swallows all virtues”
Shall we pray;
Lord, help me to make the most of my life. Amen
Shall we pray;
Lord, help me to make the most of my life. Amen
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