Bible Verse of the Day

10 Commandments of Living in Recession Pt.2

Friday, May 15, 2009

The first 5 Commandments are;

The last 5 Commandments are as follows;
This simply means promoting the course of God’s kingdom through your giving. It is true that there is recession but that should NOT stop our tithing, for instance. A tithe is ten percent of your income given to God, acknowledging Him as your source. Please note that, in spite of the famine, Elijah told the woman to give him food first before considering her son and even herself. This ordinarily may look mean but that’s the way to keep the flow of blessing. Seek first the kingdom of God. Invest in any course to promote the gospel even at this time and you’ll flourish even in recession. Remember, Christ says we should lay up treasure for ourselves in heaven. It works!
God’s commandment is to be obeyed as commanded and not and convenient!
To be creative means to be innovative or to be able to seek ways of solving old problems with new approaches. Crises usually make people more creative. When old ways are still working well, then people may fold their hands, but when they cease to work, then people look for improvement or better ways of meeting their needs. Have you lost your job due to recession? Look within for what you can do for yourself. Most of today’s invention came when people looked within and have a strong desire to solve problems. To me this means there are untapped solutions within us if we can only search with. Try out something new and different from the norm. It’s in you!
Remember, necessity is the mother of invention
A vision is having a PICTURE of your FUTURE through the SCRIPTURE. To be visionary means to be able to see yourself from God’s perspective through His word and consciously taking calculative steps towards living in the reality of the future He has for you. He asks Jeremiah when He called him, WHAT DO YOU SEE? God will only bring to pass what we can see. For Abraham, God told him, as far as your eyes can see- this is about vision. But for vision to be meaningful, you must first discover your purpose (your God-given assignment and your very reason for living). Then, catching the glimpse of it in light with the Word of God (that is what is called Vision). You need to see beyond the recession to live above it. What can you see? Don’t be caught suffering from HIV- Having Insufficient Vision.
What You See is What You Get (WYSIWG)
It is an obvious fact that above every other thing, one thing to do now is to spend wisely. To be prudent means to have a good sense in dealing with practical matters or to be careful in managing resources so as to provide for the future. This is not best of time to spend on impulse or buy what you want especially at the expense of needs. Needs like food, clothing, shelter and other immediate family needs are to be given full preference above any other thing. But this will also be no excuse not to save. One of my mentors said not matter what you earn save at least 20% of it. It might be hard but it is possible. You can live on the remaining 70% (after 20% savings and 10% tithe). What I do personally is to assume as if my original earning is the 70%.
It is not SAFE not to SAVE!
Thanksgiving is not an option for believers, it is a commandment. God word says “Oh, Give Thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercies endures forever.” Thanksgiving can be pre or post. Pre is giving of thanks before God does what you’ve asked for. This is also called Sacrifice of Praise. It is a sacrifice because it will cost you to give up your concerns to do it. There’s nothing visibly present to show but you still choose to give thanks. It may be easy to give thanks when our promises are delivered (which is the Post). But God wants us to offer the sacrifice of praise with our lips. Always praise Him whether things are working or not.
And we know that all things are FITTING TO PLAN for them that love God and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8: 28(AMP)
God is faithful!


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