Bible Verse of the Day
10 Commandments of Living in Recession
Friday, April 24, 2009

Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. There is a widow there who will feed you. I have given her my instructions.”
1 Kings 17: 8 -9(NLT)
The word “recession” is no longer news to the world as over 60% of all news in the media today can be directly or indirectly linked to it and its companions like downturn, slump, depression, downsizing, meltdown and the crunch. Irrespective of the name it is called, all these are not new because the world from B.C to A.D had experienced similar crisis situations and have overcome. So the first good news is that, it will not last forever. As a matter of fact some have predicted that it will last for the next seven years (I pray it will be lesser).
However, my greatest assurance is that God has never left His children in a dilemma without showing them a way out. For example, when there was a famine in Israel, He made provision for His prophet, Elijah, to be fed by the most unconventional way- through a widow. Ordinarily, a widow is the one to be helped in such a situation but she now became a distributor even in recession. Watch out for God’s unconventional leading at this time for your lifting.
Waking up this morning, God began to inspire me on what I have coined to be the 10 Commandments of living in recession. Please Note: Some of these things may not make common sense (as I was also tempted to ask questions as He told me). But I quickly remembered the words of Jesus’ mother at the crisis situation in a wedding where wine got finished suddenly at the middle of the party. She said “Whatever He tells you to do, do it”. Whatever?
1. Fear Not
The opposite of fear is faith. You cannot have faith and fear at the same time, you are either afraid or full of fear. Fear and faith have different sources. Fear is from the devil, faith is from God. Fear makes you do stupid things. During Paul’s journey to Rome, and their ship had crisis, the sailors in fear threw away all the ship equipments. Acts 27:19. Fear can make you sell shares you bought for 50 naira per unit for just 50 kobo per unit. But do you know 90% of our fears never happen. Don’t let the devil infect you with the venom of fear. Let me hear you say, Fear Not!
2. Borrow Not
Those who borrowed funds to obtain shares from the Stock market are now not only unable to pay back the principal after losing over 85% of their investment but battling with the mounting interest from the borrowed funds. See what God told His people repeatedly from His word; The Lord your God will bless you as he has promised. You will lend money to many nations but will never need to borrow! You will rule many nations, but they will not rule over you! Deuteronomy 15:6 (NLT)
The Lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens to bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them. Deuteronomy 28:12 (NLT)
I know God does not stammer, He repeated it twice here. By all means, please avoid borrowing because He says you will never need it. Trust Him!
3. Be led by the Spirit of God for all decisions
When all known financial recovery theories have failed from Harvard Business School to Lagos Business School and stock market stimulus plans (if any) are unyielding from the Wall Street in US to the Broad Street in Lagos, it is only safe to be led by the Spirit of God before making decisions. God still leads those who care to listen for His voice. Yes, listening for His voice would require you to turn off the TV and settle down the bible in a conscious Word study, you will be amazed what He has to tell you. When God leads, He leads forward and He never tells you to do anything against His word. Note: It is for all decisions ranging from where to live, who to marry, business to venture in, when to buy or sell anything. Remember it was God who led Elijah to Zarephath. Abraham to Egypt and it was still the same God who told Isaac to stay where he was. God still leads!
4. Be Hopeful
Being hopeful in times of recession could be one of the most unreasonable things to do. But hope is what makes our heart to keep beating- It is called the anchor of our soul or what our soul hinges on. You remember Abraham who when he did not have any reason to hope to have a child again after almost 100 years of age but still embraced Isaac at 100years and the wife 90years. And if that sounds archaic, remember Hopeful Barrack Obama who when everything from his colour to experience seems to disqualify him for US presidency but hope made him to become the first black man to head the white house. Be optimist about your life, relationship, family, job, academics no matter the crisis. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. There’s hope for you!
5. Be more committed in your relationships
You will agree with me that we all find ourselves wearing many shoes at the same time. You can be a boss, husband, friend, mentor, coach, son or lover all at the same time. The time of crisis is a time to be closer first to God because your relationship with Him sets precedence for how you relate with others. Secondly, be more committed to members of your immediate family- your wife, husband, and children. Remember, these are the people who will be there always. Show them how much you care. Then this will definitely extend to colleagues, friends, brethren and others. Make sure you invest time and resources into people even at this time. The greatest investment is to add value to others- that is what you will be remembered for.
Let us pray: Lord, I trust in you to see me through this time of recession and cause me to be made manifest to my world even at time. Amen
Watch out for the last 5 commandments.
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