Bible Verse of the Day
The Anchor!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil
Hebrew 6: 16 – 19 (KJV)
I have always wondered about what our entire being anchors on. What keeps us going or makes us weather all storms? What conviction of a better tomorrow do we have? In the course of the past week while writing on “10 Commandments of Living in Recession”, the Commandment #4: Be Hopeful, where I spoke on Hopeful Barrack Obama and the fact that hope is what our very soul hinges on, I got thinking that HOPE is one of the most potent and unstoppable forces in the world, that can deliver our dreams and make us handle our dreams.
But how can hope be the anchor of our soul?
An anchor is “an object used to keep a ship or boat stationary in the water. An anchor is attached to a ship by a cable or chain, and when thrown overboard, the weight of the anchor digs into the sea bottom to keep the vessel from drifting or wandering away.” In short, hope is the only thing that keeps you from drifting away from God even in seemingly hopeless situations. Times when the waves of life seems to push here and there till the point where you just simply sit down to gaze at our big the issues confronting are, hope is still what to resort to.
Do you also know that the person that takes the last leg in a relay race is also called the anchor? Why? Because winning depends on the person. The Hope of the relay race hinges on the person. So also, winning in life hinges on your hope in God.
God is not our LAST hope but our ONLY hope!
Generally, an anchor provides stability. The times we are now are times where billionaires commit suicide, where age-long principles are failing but we know all hope is not lost for anyone connected to God because to him that is joined to the living there is HOPE. Hope means patient expectation.
Let me break it down to you…
The Hope I am referring to is not mere wishing for a dole out. Wishing is day dreaming but the hope I am referring to is the one that says “If God cannot give this thing, He still remains my God and I’ll stick with Him”
Even when you have tried all you can…. Prayed, fasted, believed, confessed, trusted and waited, hope is still what you can hang on. Abraham against hope (meaning when he had no reason to be hopeful) believed in hope, that what God has promised, He is able to perform. And that’s the point!
The Hope I am referring to is not mere wishing for a dole out. Wishing is day dreaming but the hope I am referring to is the one that says “If God cannot give this thing, He still remains my God and I’ll stick with Him”
Even when you have tried all you can…. Prayed, fasted, believed, confessed, trusted and waited, hope is still what you can hang on. Abraham against hope (meaning when he had no reason to be hopeful) believed in hope, that what God has promised, He is able to perform. And that’s the point!
What do we place our hope on?
The hymn written by Edward Mote (1797–1874) in a collection of his hymns and titled “The Immutable Basis of a Sinner’s Hope.” The first stanza and chorus reads;
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
We can place our hope on the finished work on Calvary.
The truth is that all other ground may sink or fail you but Jesus Christ alone does not fail!
What can I do when situations around me seems hopeless;
The hymn written by Edward Mote (1797–1874) in a collection of his hymns and titled “The Immutable Basis of a Sinner’s Hope.” The first stanza and chorus reads;
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
We can place our hope on the finished work on Calvary.
The truth is that all other ground may sink or fail you but Jesus Christ alone does not fail!
What can I do when situations around me seems hopeless;
PRAY- In the midst of Hannah’s hopelessness, she prayed to God, knowing that if any hope was to be found, it would be found in him. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayers!
PRAISE- Paul and Silas were on death row for preaching about Jesus, yet in this hopeless situation they sang praises to God chains on hands and feet. You have no excuse!
PERSEVERE- While patience may be passive, to persevere means persist steadily in your belief and trust in God, usually over a long period and especially despite problems or difficulties till what you need is delivered.
PATIENCE- Hopeless situation is not the best of time to make rash decisions like committing suicide, filing for divorce or even running away from home. It is the best of time to wait! Hope is trusting God to act in his good timing!
Please remember, the most valid source of true hope is in having a relationship with God nurtured by a daily devotional study of His Word because He alone holds that colorful future you’re dreaming of. He says His plans are good and not evil, to give you a future and hope (or expected end). Jeremiah 29: 11
PRAY- In the midst of Hannah’s hopelessness, she prayed to God, knowing that if any hope was to be found, it would be found in him. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayers!
PRAISE- Paul and Silas were on death row for preaching about Jesus, yet in this hopeless situation they sang praises to God chains on hands and feet. You have no excuse!
PERSEVERE- While patience may be passive, to persevere means persist steadily in your belief and trust in God, usually over a long period and especially despite problems or difficulties till what you need is delivered.
PATIENCE- Hopeless situation is not the best of time to make rash decisions like committing suicide, filing for divorce or even running away from home. It is the best of time to wait! Hope is trusting God to act in his good timing!
Please remember, the most valid source of true hope is in having a relationship with God nurtured by a daily devotional study of His Word because He alone holds that colorful future you’re dreaming of. He says His plans are good and not evil, to give you a future and hope (or expected end). Jeremiah 29: 11
For a prisoner on death row, a pardon offers hope of freedom. For the spiritual prisoner on death row because of the consequences of sin, God offers ultimate hope by forgiving our sins so that we can be with him in heaven forever. When life seems impossible, God brings eternal hope. Hope is essential to our perseverance, our getting through the tough times. Without hope we give up. Hope requires one thing, though-a trust in the one who brings real hope.
Hopeful Emmanuel Odedeyi.
Hopeful Emmanuel Odedeyi.
10 Commandments of Living in Recession
Friday, April 24, 2009

Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. There is a widow there who will feed you. I have given her my instructions.”
1 Kings 17: 8 -9(NLT)
The word “recession” is no longer news to the world as over 60% of all news in the media today can be directly or indirectly linked to it and its companions like downturn, slump, depression, downsizing, meltdown and the crunch. Irrespective of the name it is called, all these are not new because the world from B.C to A.D had experienced similar crisis situations and have overcome. So the first good news is that, it will not last forever. As a matter of fact some have predicted that it will last for the next seven years (I pray it will be lesser).
However, my greatest assurance is that God has never left His children in a dilemma without showing them a way out. For example, when there was a famine in Israel, He made provision for His prophet, Elijah, to be fed by the most unconventional way- through a widow. Ordinarily, a widow is the one to be helped in such a situation but she now became a distributor even in recession. Watch out for God’s unconventional leading at this time for your lifting.
Waking up this morning, God began to inspire me on what I have coined to be the 10 Commandments of living in recession. Please Note: Some of these things may not make common sense (as I was also tempted to ask questions as He told me). But I quickly remembered the words of Jesus’ mother at the crisis situation in a wedding where wine got finished suddenly at the middle of the party. She said “Whatever He tells you to do, do it”. Whatever?
1. Fear Not
The opposite of fear is faith. You cannot have faith and fear at the same time, you are either afraid or full of fear. Fear and faith have different sources. Fear is from the devil, faith is from God. Fear makes you do stupid things. During Paul’s journey to Rome, and their ship had crisis, the sailors in fear threw away all the ship equipments. Acts 27:19. Fear can make you sell shares you bought for 50 naira per unit for just 50 kobo per unit. But do you know 90% of our fears never happen. Don’t let the devil infect you with the venom of fear. Let me hear you say, Fear Not!
2. Borrow Not
Those who borrowed funds to obtain shares from the Stock market are now not only unable to pay back the principal after losing over 85% of their investment but battling with the mounting interest from the borrowed funds. See what God told His people repeatedly from His word; The Lord your God will bless you as he has promised. You will lend money to many nations but will never need to borrow! You will rule many nations, but they will not rule over you! Deuteronomy 15:6 (NLT)
The Lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens to bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them. Deuteronomy 28:12 (NLT)
I know God does not stammer, He repeated it twice here. By all means, please avoid borrowing because He says you will never need it. Trust Him!
3. Be led by the Spirit of God for all decisions
When all known financial recovery theories have failed from Harvard Business School to Lagos Business School and stock market stimulus plans (if any) are unyielding from the Wall Street in US to the Broad Street in Lagos, it is only safe to be led by the Spirit of God before making decisions. God still leads those who care to listen for His voice. Yes, listening for His voice would require you to turn off the TV and settle down the bible in a conscious Word study, you will be amazed what He has to tell you. When God leads, He leads forward and He never tells you to do anything against His word. Note: It is for all decisions ranging from where to live, who to marry, business to venture in, when to buy or sell anything. Remember it was God who led Elijah to Zarephath. Abraham to Egypt and it was still the same God who told Isaac to stay where he was. God still leads!
4. Be Hopeful
Being hopeful in times of recession could be one of the most unreasonable things to do. But hope is what makes our heart to keep beating- It is called the anchor of our soul or what our soul hinges on. You remember Abraham who when he did not have any reason to hope to have a child again after almost 100 years of age but still embraced Isaac at 100years and the wife 90years. And if that sounds archaic, remember Hopeful Barrack Obama who when everything from his colour to experience seems to disqualify him for US presidency but hope made him to become the first black man to head the white house. Be optimist about your life, relationship, family, job, academics no matter the crisis. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. There’s hope for you!
5. Be more committed in your relationships
You will agree with me that we all find ourselves wearing many shoes at the same time. You can be a boss, husband, friend, mentor, coach, son or lover all at the same time. The time of crisis is a time to be closer first to God because your relationship with Him sets precedence for how you relate with others. Secondly, be more committed to members of your immediate family- your wife, husband, and children. Remember, these are the people who will be there always. Show them how much you care. Then this will definitely extend to colleagues, friends, brethren and others. Make sure you invest time and resources into people even at this time. The greatest investment is to add value to others- that is what you will be remembered for.
Let us pray: Lord, I trust in you to see me through this time of recession and cause me to be made manifest to my world even at time. Amen
Watch out for the last 5 commandments.
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1:35 PM
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, Life, Purpose, Success, Times
The Cost of Right!
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Philippians 3:7- 8 (KJV)
I have always wondered how much was worth paying for quality service or to get the best of service. How much would be considered too expensive to give out just to get the best out of a project or task that you are working on?
I was recently instructed and challenged by a recent thing that happened as I observed my boss at work. We were printing out the audited report for one of our clients in the office and I discovered a little spelling mistake (just one letter of the alphabet missing) that could have ordinarily been ignored but he insisted we had to reprint some hundreds of copies of the report just because of the little thing that could have been ignored. And it was really expensive to do that but we did!
That scenario immediately sank-in a quick lesson to me. There is no amount too much to pay to get things right!
What have you been battling with? What you been patching up? It may look too insignificant to notice, but just like a little dark spot on a white robe makes it lose the word stainless, so also will that little stain of sin find you out until you make things right!
David was unarguably a great king. So celebrated that over a decade ago Israel had 3,000 years anniversary of when David founded the City of David. But check out what his eulogy (a note after someone’s death) read;
For David had done what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight and had obeyed the Lord’s commands throughout his life, except in the affair concerning Uriah the Hittite. 1Kings 15:5 (NLT)
Did you notice the last phrase that started with the word “except”? What would have made the journey of your life so great and memorable, except? What did David do? He took the wife of Uriah, his subordinate and organised for the man’s death.
Friends, there’s no price that would be considered too high to pay to rid your life of the “except”.
But the good news is that, Jesus has paid the greatest price to make us right with God by giving up Himself for what we did wrong. All we need do is as simple as ABC;
A- Accept Jesus into our lives;
B- Believe that He died for your sins;
C- Confess your sins to Him and confess Him as the Lord of your life.
But the good news is that, Jesus has paid the greatest price to make us right with God by giving up Himself for what we did wrong. All we need do is as simple as ABC;
A- Accept Jesus into our lives;
B- Believe that He died for your sins;
C- Confess your sins to Him and confess Him as the Lord of your life.
There is no amount to high to pay to make things right with your Maker.
Let us pray: Lord, help us to lead a life that glorifies you. Amen.
How I got the Job!
Thursday, April 9, 2009

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: that ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6: 10 -12 (KJV)
It is an established fact that God- our heavenly father is a worker and that the first thing He gave Adam after creation was not a wife but a job-to tend and keep the garden. So no man (in my own opinion) is permitted to marry a woman without having something doing! Do I have a witness?
But the truth is that the statistics that stares us in the face especially now is alarming and record-breaking, as unemployment rate is almost hitting double digits.
A report last week showed that;
In the US alone, the unemployment rate jumped to 8.5 percent in March, the highest since late 1983, with a total of 663,000 job loss. Since the recession began in December 2007, the economy has lost a net total of 5.1 million jobs, with almost two-thirds of the losses occurring in the last five months. The number of unemployed people climbed to 13.2 million in March. In addition, the number of people forced to work part time for "economic reasons" rose by 423,000 to 9 million.
But the question still remains, does God have a plan for His children? Are there answers to the question of unemployment in the bible? How can one secure a job regardless of the scary stats.
Someone recently asked me (last week) to share with her how I got my job, so I have tried to put together this post to share with anyone who will “sheepishly” believe God and apply the truth God showed me in order to secure your dream job in spite of the recession, and we know God is no respecter of persons, what He has done for one, He can do for all who will believe. Please note that, God does the same thing in different ways- His ways are not our ways. This is a personal testimony;
One of the first things I did before getting the job was that I prayed for divine direction through a 24-hour dedicated prayer and fasting to seek God’s face and specifically to know where God wanted me to go- in terms of city to settle down. And believe me, God told me to move to the current city where I reside.
Let me quickly say that as believers, we must be able to hear from God or better still you must know how God leads you. Many years ago I read a book by Kenneth Haggin, “How you can be led by the Spirit”. God is our father and just like every child would recognize the voice of his father, we must know God’s leading. However, we must NOTE that whatever God says will never contradict with the bible.
The greatest asset of a believer is the ability to hear from God- Bishop David Oyedepo
So, when I got to the place He led me to, I searched through the internet for the names and addresses of specific companies and firms where I would like to work and their location in the city, and got a whole list, printed it out and re-packaged my CV to look more attractive, and began distributing it as I visited over 20 of such firms. How? I would set out with my friend I was staying with at that time every morning when going to work. The bible says;
A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— and poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.
Proverbs 6:10 -11 (NLT)
Please Note: I would dress up corporately in suit with my briefcase as if I was going to work too, with the understanding of 2 Thessalonians 3: 8- 10 (NLT);
We never accepted food from anyone without paying for it. We worked hard day and night so that we would not be a burden to any of you. It wasn’t that we didn’t have the right to ask you to feed us, but we wanted to give you an example to follow. Even while we were with you, we gave you this rule: “Whoever does not work should not eat".
To me, that means that I am not permitted to be idle and that NO WORK, NO FOOD!
Shortly within 10days or so after this, I got a job as an Admin/ Accounts Manager with a small company and average pay though, however, I remain faithful on this job and even drafted a corporate policy statement for the small company. A friend had spoke about me to the MD of the company and she asked me to resume immediately which I did.
But while on this job, I was still expecting a call from the firms I had dropped my CV earlier. And finally, a week on this job the call came from someone that I should come over for a chat with the principal partner of a firm (one of the firms where I dropped my CV). But the miracle was that when I went for the chat, it was really a chat- no interviews or serious questioning. I was asked why I would like to work with the firm and my answer was sincere- for professional experience and the within the same week my Offer Letter was sent to my email and I didn’t even reply or resume until two weeks later after I had properly handed over in my former office. The job waited!
Anything God gives, He keeps!
The Lessons I learnt in summary;
- Be divinely guided by God through prayers especially as to where He wants you to go. God still leads;
- Be sure God is the one leading you by affirming such leading in the Word of God ( the Bible);
- Never sit idle doing nothing. There is always something you can do. When you are faithful in little, you'll be considered for much.
- Have faith in God alone. You might know people, but connections and qualifications fail. Only God is too faithful to fail.
- When changing jobs, don’t leave anyhow- properly hand over. An adage says, rain can beat a man to the same shelter twice… Don’t leave your employer in a dilemma. You may meet again.
I hope this would help someone to be challenged to go get the job that is waiting.
Share your testimonies with me at
Remember, there is always a way out!
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8:55 AM
Labels: CV, Encouragement, jobs, Pursuit, recruitment, vacancy
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