Bible Verse of the Day

How to get the Job!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The three-letter word J-O-B is arguably one of the most used words today. People those who have lost their jobs are seriously on job hunt, others who have jobs are not satisfied with what they are doing, those who seem satisfied want to move to even more paying jobs.
But will it shock you to know that the word was never used in the entire bible (the King James Version) except as the name of a man. Does it mean God is not interest in us to be gainfully employed? Of course, He does! This post is dedicated to those who are believing God for gainful employment and I share with you the things that I practised immediately after my NYSC which God used to bless me with a choice job stress-free, connection free and highly fulfilling- allowing me to practise my profession as a Chartered Accountant! To God alone be the glory.

There is no mountain anywhere, every man’s IGNORANCE is his mountain!

A story was once told of a son who was an heir to the father’s inheritance but because the son was away when the father died, the will (treasure pot) was not handed over to him or anyone as the father dug a hole under the ground where they sleep and covered it with their sleeping mat. Unfortunately, the son lived his entire life in poverty without handling the vast wealth kept in store for him by the father.

What you don’t know may be killing you

In the story above, IGNORANCE killed the son. But as pathetic as the short story is, does it describe you? Many have turned their bibles to sleeping pills. A guy once said anytime he’s finding it difficult to sleep, he just open the bible and start reading from Leviticus and Numbers and in minutes he would sleep…THAT IS AN ABUSE. And like my favourite quote
When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable
Your bible is a treasure pot and a bank containing precious promises your heavenly father has bequeath you but will never be your till you search it out. Don’t just keep your bible under your pillow for protection, it protects only when you know what it says about your protection.

How does all these explain how to get your choice job?
I searched for over 15 scriptural promises on work. I discovered that man had a work to do before and after the fall in the garden of Eden and God himself works without sleeping. Jesus worked all day and prayed at night. I meditated and digested it and in lesser than 1 week after NYSC, I got my job. You too can. They are;
Genesis 2: 2: On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all his work.
Genesis 2: 5:

There were no plants or grain growing on the earth, for the Lord God had not sent any rain. And no one was there to cultivate the soil
Genesis 2: 15:

The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and care for it.
Genesis 3: 23:

The Lord God banished Adam and his wife from the Garden of Eden, and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made
Psalms 1: 1- 3:

Oh, the joys of those
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with scoffers.
But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants;
day and night they think about his law.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season without fail.
Their leaves never wither,
and in all they do, they prosper
Psalms 128 1-2:

How happy are those who fear the Lord—
all who follow his ways!
You will enjoy the fruit of your labor.
How happy you will be! How rich your life!
Pray these prayer for anyone you know who is seeking for a good
Prayer Points;
1.Lord, you gave the first man (Adam) work to do when you made him, I am willing and able to work, bless me with a good job in Jesus name.
2.In Psalms 1, you said, whatever I do shall prosper, use the channel of a good job to prosper me this year in Jesus name.
3.I will eat the fruit of my labor in Jesus name.
To be continued…

Posted by Unknown at 7:21 PM  


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