Bible Verse of the Day
Planting Season of Life
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Don’t be misled. Remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it. You will always reap what you sow.
Galatians 6:7 (NLT)
Until your planning culminates into planting, the delivery of our purpose is not in view! Our planting season is not a time of dreaming but that of taking responsibility towards the realization of set goals.
We cannot afford to continue blaming others for what they did or did not do, we need to start planting now! Someone has said, whether you fail or succeed in life, it is your fault. God’s word is clear that it is what you plant that you will reap. In simply terms, it goes that if you plant nothing, then there is nothing to reap.
What is planting?
Planting is the process of sowing seeds. It is the process of investing (time, energy, resources) in anticipation for future harvest or rewards.
It implies therefore, that the kind of result that we want in the future should determine the kind of seeds that we sow today.
Tips to note about Planting or Sowing
It is not for now.
It requires determination and focus
It is a time of labour and diligence
It cannot be done just at anytime- It has timing
It requires patience
The seed to plant usually comes from past success
Take responsibility for your life
Responsibility is the mark of maturity. Sowing requires taking responsibility. To be responsible means to be accountable for the outcomes of our actions. Enough of blaming our parents for probably not giving us quality education or not giving us proper moral guidance! Enough of regretting our family background or wishing we came from a more influential family or background. The reality is that we are now here, the best we can do is to take positive steps to ensure that we advance in spite of our negative circumstances.
Don’t continue giving excuses or explaining the reason why you failed!
You should not allow anyone to think for you or tell you the right thing for your life. Be responsible!
Sow the seed now
One thing about planting of seed is that it has timing. You cannot plant certain seeds at particular times of the year. Why? It has timing. So also with our lives, there are certain things we cannot do at a particular time or age. Why? It would be considered as late. Procrastination is the greatest thief of time and the fastest route to mediocrity. Avoid postponing what you can do now! Never be afraid to take risk.
Sow in faith
It is not just enough to sow at the right time, our sowing has to be done in faith. Faith says, although I can’t see the harvest yet, but I believe the seed will germinate and grow. That’s why the scripture says Paul may plant and Appolos can water the seed, but it is God that ultimately gives the increase or makes it to grow. I Corinthians 3:6
The God-factor cannot be over-emphasized. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? He is the only one that can help you to achieve your dreams and He loves you.
Remember, whether you fail or succeed, it’s your fault! Be blessed.
Visit my blog and drop your comments:
What is planting?
Planting is the process of sowing seeds. It is the process of investing (time, energy, resources) in anticipation for future harvest or rewards.
It implies therefore, that the kind of result that we want in the future should determine the kind of seeds that we sow today.
Tips to note about Planting or Sowing
It is not for now.
It requires determination and focus
It is a time of labour and diligence
It cannot be done just at anytime- It has timing
It requires patience
The seed to plant usually comes from past success
Take responsibility for your life
Responsibility is the mark of maturity. Sowing requires taking responsibility. To be responsible means to be accountable for the outcomes of our actions. Enough of blaming our parents for probably not giving us quality education or not giving us proper moral guidance! Enough of regretting our family background or wishing we came from a more influential family or background. The reality is that we are now here, the best we can do is to take positive steps to ensure that we advance in spite of our negative circumstances.
Don’t continue giving excuses or explaining the reason why you failed!
You should not allow anyone to think for you or tell you the right thing for your life. Be responsible!
Sow the seed now
One thing about planting of seed is that it has timing. You cannot plant certain seeds at particular times of the year. Why? It has timing. So also with our lives, there are certain things we cannot do at a particular time or age. Why? It would be considered as late. Procrastination is the greatest thief of time and the fastest route to mediocrity. Avoid postponing what you can do now! Never be afraid to take risk.
Sow in faith
It is not just enough to sow at the right time, our sowing has to be done in faith. Faith says, although I can’t see the harvest yet, but I believe the seed will germinate and grow. That’s why the scripture says Paul may plant and Appolos can water the seed, but it is God that ultimately gives the increase or makes it to grow. I Corinthians 3:6
The God-factor cannot be over-emphasized. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? He is the only one that can help you to achieve your dreams and He loves you.
Remember, whether you fail or succeed, it’s your fault! Be blessed.
Visit my blog and drop your comments:
Planning Season of Life
Monday, January 26, 2009

“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction
of a building without first getting estimates and then checking to see if there
is enough money to pay the bills?
Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of
Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of
funds. And then how everyone would laugh at you!
They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and ran
They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and ran
out of money before it was finished!’
“Or what king would ever dream of going to war without first sitting down
“Or what king would ever dream of going to war without first sitting down
with his counselors and discussing whether his army of ten thousand is
strong enough to defeat the twenty thousand soldiers who are marching against him?
If he is not able, then while the enemy is still far away, he will send a
If he is not able, then while the enemy is still far away, he will send a
delegation to discuss terms of peace.
Luke 14:28- 32 (NLT)
It is tragic to note that many people spend more time planning trivial matters of life than planning for the most important matters of their very life.
What are your life goals? How big is your dream(s) for the future?
Answers to these questions, however, may not come handy unless you have a working knowledge of the time of your life that you are in. Jesus said in the scripture above that those who build or go to war or who wsih to become His disciples must first need to count the cost before setting out if they don’t want to see shame. Many are faced with shame or find themselves in a fix today because they fail to plan.
What is planning?
Simply, it is deciding ahead of time what to do and how to achieve it. Someone defined it as “using your HEAD to go AHEAD”.
Two key factors in planning are ENDS (goals or objectives) and MEANS (strategies or methods). It is believed that the reason why many people refuse to plan is because they do not have any goal for living.
How to maximize you Planning Season
Discover your purpose for living
Every human being created in God’s image is meant to fulfil a particular purpose, but we have a duty to discover from the Creator why He has created us. No product determines its purpose. A television set or laptop does not decide on its own what it wants to do, the manufacturer does. It is the same with us humans, WE DON’T DETERMINE WHAT WE WANT TO DO, WE ARE TO DISCOVER IT. I believe this where many are failing.
Luke 14:28- 32 (NLT)
It is tragic to note that many people spend more time planning trivial matters of life than planning for the most important matters of their very life.
What are your life goals? How big is your dream(s) for the future?
Answers to these questions, however, may not come handy unless you have a working knowledge of the time of your life that you are in. Jesus said in the scripture above that those who build or go to war or who wsih to become His disciples must first need to count the cost before setting out if they don’t want to see shame. Many are faced with shame or find themselves in a fix today because they fail to plan.
What is planning?
Simply, it is deciding ahead of time what to do and how to achieve it. Someone defined it as “using your HEAD to go AHEAD”.
Two key factors in planning are ENDS (goals or objectives) and MEANS (strategies or methods). It is believed that the reason why many people refuse to plan is because they do not have any goal for living.
How to maximize you Planning Season
Discover your purpose for living
Every human being created in God’s image is meant to fulfil a particular purpose, but we have a duty to discover from the Creator why He has created us. No product determines its purpose. A television set or laptop does not decide on its own what it wants to do, the manufacturer does. It is the same with us humans, WE DON’T DETERMINE WHAT WE WANT TO DO, WE ARE TO DISCOVER IT. I believe this where many are failing.
What is purpose? It is the intention behind creation or existence. Purpose is permanent, inter-related, and unique. How do I discover purpose? It is usually something that flows from you naturally. It is what you do and people commend you for the most. It is what moves you the most or probably wish you could correct. These are just clues but the major way to discover it is by waiting on God to deliver it to you.
Set achievable goals for living
It is a common saying that “Rome was not built in a day” and that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. If purpose is the reason for our living, then we need to set achievable short-term, medium-term and long-term goals towards its realization and to write it down. This is planning. Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve this year or in the next 5 years and so on but it is crucial to set only achievable goals. For instance, if you earn just N20,000 and you set a goal of buying a car within a year. If you ever get to buy one you may not be the one to ride it because you may have starved yourself to death. The point is that the goals to be set must be achievable ones.
Commit your plans to God
God’s word says we can make plans but only what God intends will come to pass. Hence, there’s a lot of wisdom in making plans and placing them before Good for His sanction. It is the God factor in the plans that we make that makes the journey of life great. Only the counsel of God will stand.
In conclusion, planning is so important that living without a set goal is like playing a football game without a goal post… Can you imagine how frustrating and tiring that can be?
You have only this one life to live, maximize your living!
Set achievable goals for living
It is a common saying that “Rome was not built in a day” and that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. If purpose is the reason for our living, then we need to set achievable short-term, medium-term and long-term goals towards its realization and to write it down. This is planning. Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve this year or in the next 5 years and so on but it is crucial to set only achievable goals. For instance, if you earn just N20,000 and you set a goal of buying a car within a year. If you ever get to buy one you may not be the one to ride it because you may have starved yourself to death. The point is that the goals to be set must be achievable ones.
Commit your plans to God
God’s word says we can make plans but only what God intends will come to pass. Hence, there’s a lot of wisdom in making plans and placing them before Good for His sanction. It is the God factor in the plans that we make that makes the journey of life great. Only the counsel of God will stand.
In conclusion, planning is so important that living without a set goal is like playing a football game without a goal post… Can you imagine how frustrating and tiring that can be?
You have only this one life to live, maximize your living!
Start planning today.
Visit my blog: and drop your comments.
Understanding of Times
Monday, January 19, 2009
As long as the earth remains, there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.
Genesis 8:22 (NLT)
Genesis 8:22 (NLT)
There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to rebuild.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak up.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NLT)
While I was in church last Sunday, I had a nudging to start a series on the Understanding of Times and I strongly believe God has someone in mind to further brighten our knowledge on the importance of following Divine Timing in actualizing God’s purpose for our living. For many, it is not that they do not have a purpose for living, but they lack the understanding of knowing when to launch out to start the business or register for the course or to start the relationship.
It is a known fact that a clear understanding of God’s purpose for our life is the most important discovery we could make as humans, which is why my mentor Dr Munroe says that “When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable”. In simple terms, we cannot avoid abnormal living if we do not have a clearly defined reason for living.
Having said this, I want to submit that while understanding of purpose is crucial, setting out for its fulfillment requires proper timing.
What is Time?
Perhaps, this may be the most tasking question to ask anyone. However, I would to define simply as the occasion or duration of an event. It is said to be the appointed season for a happening or event to take place. The second scriptural passage above shows that there is time for everything. Although, God created time, He lives outside time. That is, God cannot be limited by time- the day and night that we experience. No wonder the bible says a thousand years (of humans) is like a day with the Lord. It says in another place that He neither sleeps nor slumber.
Characteristics of Time
It is impartial
It cannot be stored
It is nobody’s enemy
It can be invested or wasted or used up
It is reliable or definite or predictable
It is a measure of life
It is continuous/ does not wait or stop
It carries with it opportunities
Understanding of Times
Our entire life is measured in second, minutes, hours, days, months and years. By implication, what I do with my seconds eventually affects the years I live. Until we understand the times we are in, we will not be able to maximize our living. One of the tribes of Israel known as the tribe of Issachar, were said to understand the temper of times and knew what Israel ought to do at the right time, therefore all their brethren were at their command. Hence, those who clearly understand the times we are will take the lead.
In life, there are four seasons known as WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER and the AUTUMN. In this series, I will be taking these seasons as follows;
To break it down according to Dr. Dennis Watley in his book Timing is Everything, these four seasons happen does not follow a sequence but an individual may be at different seasons in varying areas of life like career, marriage, academics or relationship. What this means in simply terms is that you could have gotten married, thus being in your harvest season in your marriage and then decide to take up an additional degree from school, which means you will probably be in your planting season as regards academics. But which way it goes, Timing is crucial to its fulfillment.
To maximize the moments or opportunities that comes our way.
To be able to rise up early for the fulfillment of purpose
To help in overcoming anxiety
To give focus and direction for living
To be able to gain speed and eliminate guesswork.
In the next post, I will explain the Planning Season of our lives and what to do to take advantage of it.
It is well!
Starting the Year with the Lord
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
Psalms 37:5 (NLT)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn your back on evil.
Then you will gain renewed health and vitality.
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces.
Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine.
Proverbs 3:5-10 (NLT)
Whether we are conscious of it or not, one whole week is gone in this brand new 2009. What have you been able to do within this 168 hours? Are you still basking in the euphoria of the celebration of this year that is so pregnant with possibilities that will only bring forth to those who are really ready for it?
I believe strongly that among other things needed to get things right this year is to Start the Year with the Lord. Yes, I know you prayed to usher-in this New Year and you probably join several millions all over the world who go to church for the Crossover Service but prayer is just one of the several things to do. The 1st scriptural verse above admonishes us not to assume that God already knows our ways but that we should commit our ways to the Lord.
I have a few thoughts here on how you can actually Start on a clean slate with the Lord in this new year.
Have a set goal
What are your goals for the New Year? What are the ways you intend to take? What are the plans you have set for yourself? We have quoted several times the saying that “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”. Not just having it in mind but to have it document on paper. The scriptures says write the vision down, make it plain. Habakkuk 2:2. What is that professional designation you want as a prefix or suffix after your name by the end of 2009? Is it ACA, MBBS, ACCA, CCNA, CISA, Dr, PhD, B. Sc, MCSE…? The list is endless, however, all these can only come by knowing what you really want from the early hours of the year that we are in.
Are there terrible habits you displayed last year, set goals on dropping them this year? The need for us not just to have set goals but have them clearly documented for continuous review cannot be overemphasized.
Forget the Past
Imagine a driver driving at top speed and then looking back. Such a driver will be heading for a crash. For you to move forward in the New Year, you will have to forget the past. I am not just referring to the negative things that happened last year but also the positive successes and breakthroughs as both the positives and the negatives have the potentials of limiting our level of attainment in the New Year. Apostle Paul, one of the most accomplished Apostles says in spite of all his achievements that one thing that makes him to keep moving on is to forget the past and reach forward to things that are ahead. If you don’t forget the past, God forbid that you pass with it. Yes, you had plans last year too that did not materialize, you lost so much in form of shares and investments, you were highly celebrated and attained heights that is rarely attained by anyone. Many others did too, but to move forward in this year forget all of it but endeavour to learn from it whether good or bad.
Disregard Distractions
No doubt, anytime a goal is set there will be competing forces primarily aimed at making you not to achieve the goals you have set. They do not come with bold plaques bearing DISTRACTIONS on them, in other words they usually come unnoticed and unannounced. Which ever way they come, what to do with them is simple, Disregard them. If Ruth had regarded the pressure from her mother-in-law, she wouldn’t have become Jesus’ great grand-mother, if Noah had listened to the people, he would have perished with them when the flood came. Peter regarded the wind and he began to sink. Sin (disobedience to God) is the greatest distraction from attaining your goals
Kingdom Investments
Although you may not believe in this but there is a place for kingdom investments. What do I mean? The bible says we should lay up treasures for ourselves in heaven. By this, it implies that we need to give the course of God’s kingdom- those things that makes God’s kingdom to flourish. Tithing (which is, giving one-tenth of your income to God), giving of alms to the needy and giving to every other thing that betters humanity. It says in the second passage above that we should honour God with our substance (that is everything you’ve got) acknowledging that it came from God in the first instance. It helps to preserve the remaining and remove the devourers.
Be wise
Wisdom is said to be the principal thing. It is wisdom to know what to do and to do it. To know the right way to go is Knowledge but actually going there is Wisdom. By being wise I mean, always remember to give the glory back to the Doer. Someone has said, God has no problem blessing us if there’s no one stealing His glory. As the increases begin to come in in the year 2009, always remember to give the glory to God.
I know you’ll be a thousand times better than where you are now by year end.
Trust him, and he will help you.
Psalms 37:5 (NLT)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn your back on evil.
Then you will gain renewed health and vitality.
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces.
Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine.
Proverbs 3:5-10 (NLT)
Whether we are conscious of it or not, one whole week is gone in this brand new 2009. What have you been able to do within this 168 hours? Are you still basking in the euphoria of the celebration of this year that is so pregnant with possibilities that will only bring forth to those who are really ready for it?
I believe strongly that among other things needed to get things right this year is to Start the Year with the Lord. Yes, I know you prayed to usher-in this New Year and you probably join several millions all over the world who go to church for the Crossover Service but prayer is just one of the several things to do. The 1st scriptural verse above admonishes us not to assume that God already knows our ways but that we should commit our ways to the Lord.
I have a few thoughts here on how you can actually Start on a clean slate with the Lord in this new year.
Have a set goal
What are your goals for the New Year? What are the ways you intend to take? What are the plans you have set for yourself? We have quoted several times the saying that “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”. Not just having it in mind but to have it document on paper. The scriptures says write the vision down, make it plain. Habakkuk 2:2. What is that professional designation you want as a prefix or suffix after your name by the end of 2009? Is it ACA, MBBS, ACCA, CCNA, CISA, Dr, PhD, B. Sc, MCSE…? The list is endless, however, all these can only come by knowing what you really want from the early hours of the year that we are in.
Are there terrible habits you displayed last year, set goals on dropping them this year? The need for us not just to have set goals but have them clearly documented for continuous review cannot be overemphasized.
Forget the Past
Imagine a driver driving at top speed and then looking back. Such a driver will be heading for a crash. For you to move forward in the New Year, you will have to forget the past. I am not just referring to the negative things that happened last year but also the positive successes and breakthroughs as both the positives and the negatives have the potentials of limiting our level of attainment in the New Year. Apostle Paul, one of the most accomplished Apostles says in spite of all his achievements that one thing that makes him to keep moving on is to forget the past and reach forward to things that are ahead. If you don’t forget the past, God forbid that you pass with it. Yes, you had plans last year too that did not materialize, you lost so much in form of shares and investments, you were highly celebrated and attained heights that is rarely attained by anyone. Many others did too, but to move forward in this year forget all of it but endeavour to learn from it whether good or bad.
Disregard Distractions
No doubt, anytime a goal is set there will be competing forces primarily aimed at making you not to achieve the goals you have set. They do not come with bold plaques bearing DISTRACTIONS on them, in other words they usually come unnoticed and unannounced. Which ever way they come, what to do with them is simple, Disregard them. If Ruth had regarded the pressure from her mother-in-law, she wouldn’t have become Jesus’ great grand-mother, if Noah had listened to the people, he would have perished with them when the flood came. Peter regarded the wind and he began to sink. Sin (disobedience to God) is the greatest distraction from attaining your goals
Kingdom Investments
Although you may not believe in this but there is a place for kingdom investments. What do I mean? The bible says we should lay up treasures for ourselves in heaven. By this, it implies that we need to give the course of God’s kingdom- those things that makes God’s kingdom to flourish. Tithing (which is, giving one-tenth of your income to God), giving of alms to the needy and giving to every other thing that betters humanity. It says in the second passage above that we should honour God with our substance (that is everything you’ve got) acknowledging that it came from God in the first instance. It helps to preserve the remaining and remove the devourers.
Be wise
Wisdom is said to be the principal thing. It is wisdom to know what to do and to do it. To know the right way to go is Knowledge but actually going there is Wisdom. By being wise I mean, always remember to give the glory back to the Doer. Someone has said, God has no problem blessing us if there’s no one stealing His glory. As the increases begin to come in in the year 2009, always remember to give the glory to God.
I know you’ll be a thousand times better than where you are now by year end.
The journey may seem long and bleak, but as you trust in Him, God we'll see you through.
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