Bible Verse of the Day

The Foundation!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

But the firm foundation of (laid by) God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names [himself by] the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it.
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also [utensils] of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble [use] and some for menial and ignoble [use].
So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
2Timothy 2:19- 21

Like a woman pregnant with child, I have been pregnant with the above scriptural passage since this new month began cross-referencing it and reading from all the versions I could lay my hands on to get it straight. Thoughts of how this new year full of possibilities is not just gradually moving on with the speed of light but also with thoughts of how many people are yet not getting things right, hence, experiencing a replica of what they have experienced in the past without results to show. Hmmm, the foundation, someone help me say P U S H!!!.

Builders, civil and structural engineers will tell you that among many other things to get right in building is the foundation. The reason for this is not far-fetched. While many other faults may be easily corrected, foundational cracks or faults are not just technical and critical but if care is not taken might lead to the pulling down of the entire structure. This is what many are trying to cope with- secreting mending their foundational cracks not knowing that it is a matter of time before the cracks become visible on the building walls for all to see!

So what is in a foundation?
In Nigeria, we've had as many cases of collapsed buildings as much as that of individuals who just slum or collapse suddenly. While their may seem to be no correlation between the two, I want to believe such sudden collapse, in some of the cases may have the same thing in common- the faulty or cracky foundation! While the explanation for that of the building may be explicit enough, those of individuals (at times) may be due to some fundamental questions that may have been ignored or unanswered for years.

While the word "foundation" refers to a solid underground base of a building; the setting up of an institution or organisation and in recent times to an endowment fund that supports an institution or charitable organisation or even the base layer of the make-up used by women (ladies, am I right?).

However, in this context, I want to refer to a foundation, here, as the basic underlying truth behind the existence of our very faith in God. That is, the basement of our faith in God or what God considers crucial before building a glorious destiny.

The above scriptural reference paints it clear to us that our foundation in God has an inscription or seal that says “everyone who names the name of God (believers) should consciously spurn (depart or eschew) from sin, iniquity or evil. To me this means, for anyone to have a good structure for the future, the base must be free from foundational cracks of sin.

The lingering question then is: How solid is the foundation of your Christian faith? or better still, what are the situations, issues or conditions that you have been consistently dealing with in secret boiling down to the very base of your faith in God and even makes you doubt whether you will reign eternally with Jesus? These are foundational questions.

Remember the question asked in Psalms 11: 3 that many are still yet to find answers to '.. if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? We are talking about a righteous one here, but it implies such may be helpless when it comes to foundation.

When things are right, we should ask questions and when things are not right questions needs to be asked to know where we are missing it out.

We all started off this year on the same start line but obviously not everyone is moving at the same pace. I'm not really talking about how high you you're flying or how you're struggling to make things work, I'm talking about whether you are a vessel unto honour or dishonour? or whether you are showing the light for others to follow (and go there yourself) or you're merely a signpost- pointing the way but going nowhere! or may be you are even leading others to the grave with your words or actions.

Please Note: I am not referring to your speed or progress here but your direction because moving in the RIGHT DIRECTION is better than moving at TOP SPEED.

It doesn’t matter how fast you move in a wrong direction, you never arrive at your destination.
For you and I to realise or dreams, goals and resolution for the new year, we must re-visit our very foundation- the base of our faith in God whether we have made things right with our Creator or merely patching things up using cosmetics (which doesn't stand the test of time).

Remember, a crack in the foundation (no matter how small) can never be ignored or patched, it is either re-visited or it condemns the entire building.

What is that secret sin that you think you can patch up or pretend as if all is right? If you do not make it rght with your Creator today, it will soon show for all to see and by then, it may be devastating! Sin truly sinks.

Selah! (Pause and think on this)

Posted by Unknown at 11:24 AM  


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