Bible Verse of the Day
How to get the Job!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
But will it shock you to know that the word was never used in the entire bible (the King James Version) except as the name of a man. Does it mean God is not interest in us to be gainfully employed? Of course, He does! This post is dedicated to those who are believing God for gainful employment and I share with you the things that I practised immediately after my NYSC which God used to bless me with a choice job stress-free, connection free and highly fulfilling- allowing me to practise my profession as a Chartered Accountant! To God alone be the glory.
When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable
Your bible is a treasure pot and a bank containing precious promises your heavenly father has bequeath you but will never be your till you search it out. Don’t just keep your bible under your pillow for protection, it protects only when you know what it says about your protection.
I searched for over 15 scriptural promises on work. I discovered that man had a work to do before and after the fall in the garden of Eden and God himself works without sleeping. Jesus worked all day and prayed at night. I meditated and digested it and in lesser than 1 week after NYSC, I got my job. You too can. They are;
Genesis 2: 2: On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all his work.
Genesis 2: 5:
Genesis 2: 15:
Genesis 3: 23:
Psalms 1: 1- 3:
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with scoffers.
But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants;
day and night they think about his law.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season without fail.
Their leaves never wither,
and in all they do, they prosper
Psalms 128 1-2:
all who follow his ways!
You will enjoy the fruit of your labor.
How happy you will be! How rich your life!
Pray these prayer for anyone you know who is seeking for a good
Prayer Points;
1.Lord, you gave the first man (Adam) work to do when you made him, I am willing and able to work, bless me with a good job in Jesus name.
2.In Psalms 1, you said, whatever I do shall prosper, use the channel of a good job to prosper me this year in Jesus name.
3.I will eat the fruit of my labor in Jesus name.
To be continued…
When you don’t know what to do!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
“And now see what the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir are doing. You would not let our ancestors invade those nations when Israel left Egypt, so they went around them and did not destroy them. Now see how they reward us! For they have come to throw us out of your land, which you gave us as an inheritance. O our God, won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.”
2 Chronicles 20:1-4, 10-12 (NLT)
I have got some good news from the Lord for you that THERE IS STILL AWAY OUT!
The scripture above tells the story of a similar condition to what the world is facing at the moment. Three great nations, densely populated and with highly sophisticated army came to war with tiny Judah! It was obvious that these nations had all it takes to wipe out Judah. But could you believe that God still fathomed a way out to help Judah to overcome this battle? That’s why I am very convinced that “no matter the matter” that you are faced with, there is always a way out! Your own armies may be JOBLESSNESS, RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS AND POVERTY and like Jehoshaphat, you don’t seem to know what to do and you are almost throwing in the towel. Here is what to do when you don’t know what to do! They are things that look too simple to be true but you know the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisest of men’s idea.
What to do:
Encourage yourself
Does that shock you? Well, it is the first thing you need to do to be free from those hydra-headed circumstances steering at you in the face. Most people continue to be depressed just because they are looking for others to pity them or say some sweet words and if they don’t get it, they carry long faces or break down in tears.
David’s wives, children and all he had laboured for many years to amass was stolen in one day. Being the leader of the people, they were looking up to him to do something and they even wanted to stolen him. Could you believe that! They were even considering that he also lost great possession. But even in that deplorable state, David encouraged himself in the Lord! 1Sanmuel 30: 6
Those who wait for others’ PITY end up in the PIT
Anytime we consider other alternatives apart from God, God backs off. He doesn’t like to share His glory with others. God takes pride in doing it all by himself because He is the All-Powerful God. Depending totally on God is to vow not to go to other gods for help. God can help you all by Himself. Don’t try to help God.
Until you totally depend on Him like we said, you may not likely be able to praise God in the midst of your situation.
When we pray, God sends angels, When we praise God comes himself.
The bible says He inhabits the praises of His people. He told Jehoshaphat to appoint singers to go in front of them to battle. That sounds ridiculous! Sending singers to come face to face with dangerous, chariots, arrows and spears. But that was it, when they began to sing and praise, God made the enemies to help destroy themselves till none was left..No wonder the bible says He does fearful things in praise. Praising God when things are not working is the highest form of praise- it is a sacrifice of praise. Let nothing tamper with your joy.... He will see you through this times. He is the God of the mountain and the valley, God of the good times and the bad, turning negative situations around.
It does work, it is working for me and it will work for you!
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, Life, Priorities, Success, Thansgiving, Times
MOVE ON with your Life!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
He reopened the wells his father had dug, which the Philistines had filled in after Abraham’s death.
Isaac renamed them, using the names Abraham had given them.
His shepherds also dug in the Gerar Valley and found a gushing spring.
But then the local shepherds came and claimed the spring. “This is our water,” they said, and they argued over it with Isaac’s herdsmen. So Isaac named the well “Argument,” because they had argued about it with him.
Isaac’s men then dug another well, but again there was a fight over it. So Isaac named it “Opposition.”
Abandoning that one, he dug another well, and the local people finally left him alone. So Isaac called it “Room Enough,” for he said, “At last the Lord has made room for us, and we will be able to thrive.”
Genesis 26:17 – 22 (NLT)
Does that phrase sound familiar? Well, whether or not it does, God’s message for the hour to you is to MOVE ON with your life in spite of your limitations. We all are faced with situations where the “seemingly” best option for us is to screw up or just surrender. But the difference between the extra-ordinary and the ordinary people is the “extra” effort, “extra” trial, “extra” attempt or “extra” sacrifice that ordinary people put in.
The scripture above tells the story of the Abraham’s son of promise, Isaac. Abraham had believed God to have Isaac for some 25years before the promise came. But do you know that the fact that Isaac was a son of promise did not exempt him from facing oppositions and obstacles. Similarly, the fact that God has told you many great things would happen for you this year does not exempt you from challenges and oppositions.
There is no TRIUMPH without TRIAL
There is no MIRACLE without OBSTACLE
God had earlier instructed Isaac not to leave where he was and He obeyed. Isaac then decided to dig a well but oppositions came up against him. The opposition was so fierce that they closed up every well he attempted to dig. But Isaac would not give up easily, he persevered until the enemies became tired of him.
God does not bless people in every place. Better put, there is a place to be for you to be blessed. It is however pitiable to know people pack their bags and travel out of their divinely appointed place only to keep struggling and patching through life without a head way.
While growing up, I have seen a few times where well diggers were at work. Well, digging is not a small thing. It is real work. In fact, there are instances where explosives or guns are used especially when the digger hit the rocks underground. God told Isaac to stay in the land, Yes. But he was not to stay idle in the land. He sowed in the land even during FAMINE and he got 100% profit. It is not just enough to be divinely located or to stay where God wants you to be, you must be actively involved in doing something profitable in the place God has asked you to stay.
Dig the well. Take the exams. Run the program. Write the test. Make the move. Do the work!
The truth is that there will always be reasons to turn back. But if you find an excuse to turn back don’t use it. When the children of Israel were faced with the Red Sea and Moses cried to God for help especially because of the Army of Egypt and chariots that was fast closing in on them. But could you believe what God’s response to Moses was- Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving! Exodus 14:15 (NLT) God’s word for you is the same, Get moving. Stop crying over what you cannot change.
You cannot unscramble eggs.
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, Opportunities, Priorities, Purpose, Pursuit, Success, Times
Matching the Brake….!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I had always liked to ride bicycle may be since I was in the womb of my mom. When I was younger and didn’t have a bicycle, so I would go to the neighbourhood where a guy puts up bikes for hire and I would ride from school closing till mom returned from work. But I had an indelible experience one day. I call it “indelible” because the mark it left is still evident on my right leg.
It is because I have a strong impression on my heart to talk to people who run their lives as if they do not have functional brake system. God, who created us as humans, has also built inside us a brake system called SELF CONTROL.
What is Self Control?
Self Control is one of the fruits of the spirit called temperance- ability to control your temper or yourself. It simply means setting boundaries for self or keeping rule over your life.
Your Tongue
Do you know what you say can either make or mar you? Obama spoke sometimes at the Democractic Convention and he got the presidential ticket, for others they speak and get the beating of their life from what they said. The scripture says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and only those who know how to use their tongue will eat the fruit from it. Proverbs 18:21 What do you talk about? How many people have you butchered on the altar on your tongue? Do your words edify or makes a horrible day for others? Are you sincere when you compliment others or do you wink your nose behind? See what James had to say;
We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way. So also, the tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do. A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is full of wickedness that can ruin your whole life. It can turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction, for it is set on fire by hell itself.
James 3:2, 5-6 (NLT)
It means if you can control your tongue, you can actually control every other thing, but if not destruction is glooming. Watch your mouth! Please, speak only positive things. Say what you want to see. I have learnt to say “IT IS WELL" even at the face of terrible situations until I got that nickname back then in school.
I’m sure one of the reason King Solomon’s heart moved from God was because of what he was feeding his eyes with. See what the wisest man that ever lived said “.. And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour.” Ecclesiastes 2:10 (KJV). No wonder he had 700 wives and 300 concubines! It might be very dangerous to look at certain things twice. You watch pun or pornographic movies and pictures and you expect nothing to happen?
Haha..What some have in their stomach is enough to build a skyscraper! Someone once said Fatness is not a sign of affluence but a sign of carelessness. Do you have control over what enters into your mouth? The scriptures says “Food is for the stomach, and the stomach is for food.” This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them. But our bodies were not made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies” 1 Corinthians 6:13 (NLT)
Our entire being is to glorify God and anything short of that is to be controlled if we must please God.
If you are need to make amends in any of, pray to God right now to forgive you and ask the Holy Spirit to help with that fruit of self-control even at the face of temptations. You will not end in a crash.
Remember, unlike the bicycle I rode back then without a brake, your life has control but you must always match the brake..!
Labels: Christian Living, Encouragement, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Sin
I Have No One to Help me!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
One day as the king of Israel was walking along the wall of the city, a woman called to him, “Please help me, my lord the king!”“If the Lord doesn’t help you, what can I do?” he retorted. “I have neither food nor wine to give you
2Kings 6:26-27
But the truth is that, irrespective of the reason that you may have for not getting results, someone somewhere has overcome the very same obstacle and in spite of it, has succeeded.
The story of a man that was in a particular condition for 38 years comes to mind. This man had been lame for that long and still does not really know what he wanted even when face to face with solution. Let us go through the story together;
Afterward Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days.
Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, was the pool of Bethesda, with five covered
“I can’t, sir,” the sick man said, “for I have no one to help me into the pool when
Instantly, the man was healed! He rolled up the mat and began walking! But this
John 5: 1 – 9 (NLT)
One may want to ask why the Jesus still had to ask such a seemingly obvious question “Would you like to get well” especially because the man had been there for 38 painful years. Please note that your situation will not only change because you have been there for long but until you know what to do and do it.
“Situations don’t change with time but with the knowledge of the truth”
Do you know that the meaning of the pool where he had been for 38 long years BETHESDA means house of pity or mercy? How often have you been waiting or wasting in a place only wishing somebody could pity you and give you a dash or say a kind word of pity.
“Those who wait to be pitied end their journey in a pit”
Lessons from the story
Know what you really need
Kids can be very funny. They desire things that they don’t really need. A kid can even ask the father to buy a car or a plane on his way back home from work notwithstanding whether the father has never boarded a flight before. They just desire anything that comes to their mind.
This situation paints the picture of many grown up adults. When you ask them what they need, they begin to tell you their wants or even the reason why they have not been able to achieve their desires. That was what the lame man did. When he was asked if he wanted to be well, he said he can’t because he has no man to help him. The simple answer to Jesus’ question should have been, Yes, I want to be well. Needs are generally necessities- things you cannot do without while your wants are wishes or things that you would like to have but can still do without at least for now. Can you really do without that car or house or iPod or PDA or laptop for now. If you can, then they are merely wants. Focus on needs- family, joy, peace, God and then a job, house or accommodation, tuition.. and those other things that makes your living incomplete.
Be Prepared before Opportunity comes
Many misuse or lose opportunities because they are not actually ready for it. A survey showed that over 90 percent of money lottery or jackpot winners squander it within 10-12months and go back to their previous life-style of poverty. The simple reason attributable to that is that they did not really work for it and were not expecting it.
Are you really planning or preparing before that life changing opportunity will come your way? You need a job, but have you gotten the additional professional qualifications or something to distinguish you from others? You need a life partner that is cool or God fearing (like many will say), but will you really like to marry who talks, behaves, thinks or just like you? Can you marry you?
The man at the pool even after 38 years was not really prepared for the opportunity because if he did, Jesus shouldn’t have met him there- the angel of God that stirs the water annually should have met him right inside the water!
“Preparation precedes Manifestation”
Never Give an excuse for your failure
The same limitations that stop some were the same that others went through to succeed. An excuse can be given for just anything but anytime you find an excuse for not doing something refuse to use it.
“Never use an excuse even if you have one”
Failure is not a new thing, people can fail anytime. Great businessmen make mistakes and even geniuses miscalculate but that does not make them failures. A failure is one who refuses stand after a fall or one who has found a reason not to try again after failing. Only babies give excuse, matured minds accept responsibility by analyzing situations and learning from past mistakes and then move on.
The last part of that story was that the man at the pool was healed on a Sabbath day, which according to the Jewish laws a man should not have been healed or made to pick up sleeping mats. But Jesus deliberately told him to do so because He wanted to prove that there is no excuse strong enough to keep him there. You have no excuse to fail! Jesus had an excuse for not healing the man, but did not use it.
We are all faced with equal opportunities every waking moment but only few make the most of it. Remember, you must define your needs, then be prepared before the opportunity comes and then grasp the opportunity in spite of the obstacles disregarding the excuses. Actually it was the man’s excuse that prompted the title of this post ‘I have no one to help me!’ You don’t need the connection of any man to get to where God wants for you because the greatest of men is still limited.
Get connected with the limitless God and He will connect you with those who matter to your destiny.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour. Forsake your sinful ways and you’ll get on-line.
Remember, there is no excuse strong enough for you not to achieve your dreams in 2009.
What can the righteous do?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
After my post last on ‘The Foundation’ I thought it would be right to provide solution to foundational problems as provided for in the scriptures because the bible confidently has answers to all life’s challenges! We do not have answers because we are too busy to search it out. Ask and you shall receive..
Let me start by putting it to you, what do you think the righteous can do with a faulty foundation? I have answers ranging from nothing or that the righteous should rebuild or should be more careful or to be prayerful….people are not really sure but we have where to go for help.
A story in 2Kings 2: 19- 22 (CEV) comes to mind. Let us see what God’s word says;
One day the people of Jericho said, "Elisha, you can see that our city is in a good spot. But the water from our spring is so bad that it even keeps our crops from growing."
He replied, "Put some salt in a new bowl and bring it to me."
They brought him the bowl of salt, and he carried it to the spring. He threw the salt into the water and said, "The LORD has made this water pure again. From now on you'll be able to grow crops, and no one will starve."
The water has been fine ever since, just as Elisha said.
Let me pause here and ask you some heart searching sincere questions! What is not right with you in spite of every other thing that is right? What is that thing that is tainting your Christian testimony? What makes your public life different from your private life? Do you know the real meaning of integrity? It is from the word integrate, which means to make two things agree or come to one, hence integrity is the ability to make your private life to be the same with your public life! What do you do in the secret that people will not be able to match with your public identity?
As simple as this may sound, many only know that something is wrong but may not be able to say what is really wrong. Many are not ill but they know too well that they are not enjoying life to the fullest. So, to locate the problem means taking some time out to examine your life and be sure where things have gone wrong. Elisha knew what the problem of that city was and went directly to the fountain of the water before he could help them. What is really wrong with your foundation?
Every life’s challenge has a solution and a way out in God’s word. Just like every manufacturer packages a manual with every product, God, our ‘manufacturer’ has packaged a manual for us in the bible for living. And like you refer to the manual when a product malfunctions, you can refer to the bible when something contrary to the original plan of God happens. Is poverty the problem? Jesus became poor for us to be rich 2Corinthians 8:9, is yours a chronic disease? He was wounded for our transgressions…and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5, is yours a family curse or spell? Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law Galatians 3:13. Search, search and search!!! The solution is in the Word. Halleluyah!
Mere locating the problem or the corresponding Word those not bring about any solution until you engage the word you have found. I am not talking about you being able to quote 5 scriptures at a wink, I’m talking about getting your desired result. Engaging the Word means approaching God in prayers and placing the fact that you have located from His word to Him on the table. Isaiah 41:21 says we should bring our strong reasons. God knows you need to be free, but why should you be free?!
The Foundation!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
But the firm foundation of (laid by) God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names [himself by] the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it.
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also [utensils] of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble [use] and some for menial and ignoble [use].
So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
2Timothy 2:19- 21
Like a woman pregnant with child, I have been pregnant with the above scriptural passage since this new month began cross-referencing it and reading from all the versions I could lay my hands on to get it straight. Thoughts of how this new year full of possibilities is not just gradually moving on with the speed of light but also with thoughts of how many people are yet not getting things right, hence, experiencing a replica of what they have experienced in the past without results to show. Hmmm, the foundation, someone help me say P U S H!!!.
Builders, civil and structural engineers will tell you that among many other things to get right in building is the foundation. The reason for this is not far-fetched. While many other faults may be easily corrected, foundational cracks or faults are not just technical and critical but if care is not taken might lead to the pulling down of the entire structure. This is what many are trying to cope with- secreting mending their foundational cracks not knowing that it is a matter of time before the cracks become visible on the building walls for all to see!
So what is in a foundation?
In Nigeria, we've had as many cases of collapsed buildings as much as that of individuals who just slum or collapse suddenly. While their may seem to be no correlation between the two, I want to believe such sudden collapse, in some of the cases may have the same thing in common- the faulty or cracky foundation! While the explanation for that of the building may be explicit enough, those of individuals (at times) may be due to some fundamental questions that may have been ignored or unanswered for years.
While the word "foundation" refers to a solid underground base of a building; the setting up of an institution or organisation and in recent times to an endowment fund that supports an institution or charitable organisation or even the base layer of the make-up used by women (ladies, am I right?).
However, in this context, I want to refer to a foundation, here, as the basic underlying truth behind the existence of our very faith in God. That is, the basement of our faith in God or what God considers crucial before building a glorious destiny.
The above scriptural reference paints it clear to us that our foundation in God has an inscription or seal that says “everyone who names the name of God (believers) should consciously spurn (depart or eschew) from sin, iniquity or evil. To me this means, for anyone to have a good structure for the future, the base must be free from foundational cracks of sin.
The lingering question then is: How solid is the foundation of your Christian faith? or better still, what are the situations, issues or conditions that you have been consistently dealing with in secret boiling down to the very base of your faith in God and even makes you doubt whether you will reign eternally with Jesus? These are foundational questions.
Remember the question asked in Psalms 11: 3 that many are still yet to find answers to '.. if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? We are talking about a righteous one here, but it implies such may be helpless when it comes to foundation.
When things are right, we should ask questions and when things are not right questions needs to be asked to know where we are missing it out.
We all started off this year on the same start line but obviously not everyone is moving at the same pace. I'm not really talking about how high you you're flying or how you're struggling to make things work, I'm talking about whether you are a vessel unto honour or dishonour? or whether you are showing the light for others to follow (and go there yourself) or you're merely a signpost- pointing the way but going nowhere! or may be you are even leading others to the grave with your words or actions.
Please Note: I am not referring to your speed or progress here but your direction because moving in the RIGHT DIRECTION is better than moving at TOP SPEED.
It doesn’t matter how fast you move in a wrong direction, you never arrive at your destination.
For you and I to realise or dreams, goals and resolution for the new year, we must re-visit our very foundation- the base of our faith in God whether we have made things right with our Creator or merely patching things up using cosmetics (which doesn't stand the test of time).
Remember, a crack in the foundation (no matter how small) can never be ignored or patched, it is either re-visited or it condemns the entire building.
What is that secret sin that you think you can patch up or pretend as if all is right? If you do not make it rght with your Creator today, it will soon show for all to see and by then, it may be devastating! Sin truly sinks.
Selah! (Pause and think on this)